The vote today for legalized ransom just made sure of that fact. Not that it is any sort of real shock. Any rational person knew the owners were going to be for the relocation plan for the Sonics. It only makes sense for the new NBA paradigm that sounds more like a bad rap song than a business model "Make money, fuck the rest of that bullshit!".
The best way to make money is to make sure that the city is completely subservient to the NBA club. To have it so that they are grateful that the NBA allows them to have their very own sports franchise is the overriding goal. If holding the team above their heads like kids in a divorce is the only way to extract the necessary funds for the brand new 3/4 of a billion dollar arena from the city the new paradigm demands that's what you do. It says "Go ahead player, you earned it!".
So while there is plenty of blame to go around The Politicians for dragging their feet and only trying to get something done at the last minute, Howard Schultz for selling the team in the first place, Clay Bennett for wanting to move a team with rich history and 1 CHAMPIONSHIP!!! to Oklahoma, but the real blame has to go to David Stern for creating this criminal culture in the NBA. David Stern has put the task of making money in front of everything else in the NBA. He claims he wants to reconnect with fans and clean up the "image problem" his league has. Well I'll you what David, this sure as fuck aint gonna help!!!
If David Stern continues to rule the NBA with his ego his money making plans will blow up in his face when he realizes that he has alienated his entire fan-base due to delusional mismanagement and greed. No one wants to support a league where your childhood team, who you watched fight Michael and The Mighty Bulls in the Finals, at a facility where you witnessed The Reign Man stop Karl Malone from delivering the mail, where you saw countless Payton tear-drop floaters in the lane fall softly through the net, can get sold to OKLAHOMA CITY to fulfill a multi-millionaire's childhood dream.
My only hope is that The City of Seattle wins it's fight to keep the Sonics here another 2 years and that, somehow, in that time, the money for a rebuild or new stadium can be found. I have too many memories, many the best of my child-hood, to have them ripped away from right when we are about to be good again. And we will be good again. Don't believe me? Read Bill Simmons' comments on Durant Rookie of the Year and #48 On his MVP List.
That's the worst part of it. The Sonics organization, for the first time in years, is positioned to become of of the best young franchises in the NBA. We have two young Stars in Kevin Durant and Jeff Green. In, what had to be, one of the most difficult situations of any NBA team with the looming move, the managements determination to tank, a horrid coach, role players whining about minutes, both of these players showed a lot of character by not only making it through the season without strangling P.J. or fighting Wally Szcerbiak but developing very well over the season. Their season-long growth was given it's true test in the last two games of the season against the Nuggets and Mavs in which they both posted career highs and made countless big shots in games that were must-wins for the opponent. The idea of these two playing alongside each other and getting only better in the coming years is exciting enough as it is but throw in the fact that we have 6!!!!! first round draft picks in the next 3 years. That includes two this year in one of the more loaded drafts of recent memory.
scores without the ball. Don't strip me of watching the Jeff and KD become one of the best young duos in the league!
Having the 2nd worst record in the league gives us a higher chance of getting the top overall pick. Derrick Rose absolutely tore up the NCAA tourney getting shots at will and delivering the ball on a dime gave me dirty thoughts of him playing with Kevin Durant and Jeff Green. Thinking about Derrick Rose throwing perfect passes to a cutting Jeff Green or Kevin Durant curling off a screen gave me a hard-wood hard-on I hadn't sported since Glove to Reign Man alleys were more en vogue than En Vogue.Adding Derrick Rose to Kevin Durant would be like when Cap joined The Avengers. Prior to his addition you have a strong collection of talent but he brings a calm and focus to the whole thing. Like Cap, Rose would be the floor general, directing his teammates to maximize their skills. He would be the catalyst that takes the disparate parts and assembles them into a machine-like entity running with an almost unnatural precision.
And then I remember that if that were to happen, by the time the team fulfilled it's potential as a serious play-off contender it'd be in their 2nd or 3rd year in OK. So, all my hard work and waiting through countless rebuilds and putrid draft, through Robert Swift and Adrian Griffin, is that so somebody out in OKC can have a ready made team come right to their door ready to win? Fuck that noise!! Being a fan doesn't mean you get a killer team right away. Being a fan means being there through the McIlvane years, and the dark days of Wally Walker, of seeing your team fail before, finally, getting it together and turn things around. If the Sonics(under whatever new name they have) turn out to be a contender for years to come it'll truly be the proverbial shit in the cereal.
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